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时间:2024-08-06 来源:好茶网 收集整理:小编



各位好,接待分开空闲品茶第146期,这一期呢,将和各位分享的茶样是“陈升号2020冰岛妙香青饼”,茶样的表面为扁块状,条索紧结,灰苍绿色带白毫,干茶为淡淡的果甜香。底下我们开汤尝尝,投茶量为7克,用120ml白瓷盖碗,洗茶1遍,每泡注水后,即出汤,每泡之间相隔5分钟支配。Hello and welcome to the 146th issue of Leisure Tea tasting. In this issue, we will share with you the tea sample "Chensheng 2020 Iceland Beautiful fragrance Puer tea". The shape of the tea sample is flat and blocky, with a tight tie, grey and green color with pekoe, and dry tea is light and sweet. Next, let's have a taste of the tea . The amount of tea is 7g, with 120ml white porcelain covered bowl. Wash the tea once, after each infusion, the tea drink will come out, with about 5 minutes between each infusion.



The first tea

The tea color is bright yellow and green, with a little suspended matter. The tea is fragrant like orchid, and the hanging cup is sweet and sweet, lasting a long time.



The second tea

The tea is yellow and green, fresh and bright in the mouth, with good tea taste and fullness. After the tea is swallowed, the tongue will return to gan Sheng Jin, with little bitterness, sweet and moistening the throat.



The third tea

The tea has a bright yellow and green color, soft and smooth entrance, thick tea texture, slightly pressure on the tongue, cold throat feeling, and then spread to the mouth, sweet Adam's apple.



The fourth tea

The tea is yellowish green and bright, and the tea tastes sweet, like rock sugar dissolved in the soup, sweet and sweet with a sweet, astringent bottom slightly obvious, the tea gas feeling is mainly manifested as burping, abdominal distension heat, sun two points slightly distension.



The 5th to 6th tea

The tea is yellow and green and bright, the tea is a little light in the mouth, and then the taste of the tea is delayed with the cold feeling, lingering aftertaste, the ice is sweet and comfortable, the pleasure is good, the throat is fresh and open. The 9th bubble still has tea flavor, cold feeling sweet, good foam resistance.

观叶底:叶底黄绿亮,活性好,韧性较强,较耐轻揉,叶质瘦弱,有少许红叶,几无焦斑。View tea residue: tea residue yellow green bright, activity is good, toughness is stronger, more resistant to light rubbing, leaf quality fat, a little red leaves, few without coke spot.

综合:该茶味道醇和鲜爽,甜似冰糖溶于汤,冰冷感显且长,喉韵较显,回甘生津,愉悦感佳,但醇厚度稍欠,后段稍有涩感于上颚。Comprehensive: the tea tastes mellow and fresh, sweet like crystal sugar dissolved in soup, cold and long, throat rhyme is more obvious, sweet to produce saliva, pleasant feeling, but the mellow degree is a little less, a little astringency in the palate.






Appearance: tie - up, grey and green with pekoe, clean.

Soup color: bright yellow and green.

Aroma: Fresh is taller and longer.

Taste: mellow and fresh, cold feeling sweet, back to the gan sheng Jin.

Leaf base: bright yellow and green, plump, soft and even.

那以上呢就是我对陈升号2020年冰岛妙香青饼的品饮了解,谢谢各位。The above is my experience of tasting The 2020 Iceland Beautiful fragrance Puer tea of Chensheng .Thank you.




Author: Tasting tea at leisure. After 1980, I was an intermediate tea judge and pu-erh tea lover. Tasting every pu-erh tea seriously and objectively. The author was born in Maoming, Guangdong, and now lives in Zhongshan. Welcome to WeChat official account: xianxiapincha
